- An old video of O.P. Nayyar recording Rafi and Asha. Cool! http://t.co/eUXSZAe5 #
- Someone landed on our website by Googling for "bollywood of broken dreams by pink floyd". Go figure. #
- Kun Faaya Kun from Rockstar. ARR has perfected the Sufi genre in films! http://t.co/Me9HZZgm #
- Very cool interview with Freddie Mercury's mother and sister. http://t.co/xTBTR5FM #
- “@mangeshkarlata: main krishna aur meena sudama ki bhumika mein……….. http://t.co/gOz1j6xj” #
- Hearing a lot about 2 performances from GIMA yesterday-SEL with Shillong choir and Priyanka Chopra. Hope @GIMA2011_ puts the videos up soon. #
- If you (like me) were wondering who Shillong Choir are, here you go. http://t.co/0gjjDdXa #
- Freaky Friday Playlist Sep-23-2011 | Mavrix http://t.co/M1d433wC #
- 1:26 minutes of Jagjit Singh magic. http://t.co/kf6jCQjZ #
- Tired of Bollywood plagiarism? See this and gloat. Black Eyed Peas http://t.co/Suxwx775 sampling from Kalyanji-Anandji http://t.co/HTTPDaj0 #