MySwar.Com Beta Invites Sent

So we finally got to the gut-wrenching, fearsome moment of releasing to Beta testers (please register on MySwar.Com if you want invites).

We had a few Alpha testers (friends and family) check out the website over the last few weeks and got some good, solid feedback from them. I was happy that we anticipated most of them and already had plans to address them. Most of them had kind words about the website but hey, that’s what we have friends and family for!

So, why “gut-wrenching, fearsome”? We see the Beta launch as the real test. It includes people who I consider music geeks. I am in awe of many of them and feel a little intimidated by the prospect of them checking out the work we’ve done. That said I welcome feedback – it is deafening silence that I really dread.

MySwar.Com has warts and kinks (and we’re working on them) but it also has some very cool features:

  1. Comprehensive and accurate credits.
  2. Classification of songs based on musical genre. (Actually we tag a lot of other information but that’s top secret!)
  3. Focus on artists. (Bios, Awards, Online presence – website, Facebook page, Twitter handle)
  4. The Story Behind The Music. (Through trivia and user and critic reviews.)
  5. Song recommendations. (Look for the Songs Like This section. If you register and rate songs, you’ll get personalized recommendations.)

Beta testers – The invitation code is in your mail. Please check out MySwar.Com and let us know how we can improve it. And if you like what we’ve built, please spread the word!



