Category: Technology

  • Tag Search on MySwar – New Feature

    MySwar stores many musical attributes of every song in its database. These attributes were documented painstakingly by listening to each song. Most of these attributes or tags have not been visible to MySwar users thus far. That has changed now.  The new Tag Search feature allows users to search songs based on their musical attributes.…

  • New Feature to Extract MySwar Data

    A significant number of MySwar users are not just music lovers but also data/analytical geeks. While they enjoy MySwar for the level of detail it provides and the many ways in which it allows them to explore Hindi film music, many have expressed an interest in extracting information from our database so that they can…

  • Text Search Feature – Now On MySwar

    Films, songs and artists are the most important elements in the MySwar database and so these are the elements that drive the existing search functionality on MySwar. This search feature, along with the powerful Advanced Search and Browse features, serves the needs of most users on MySwar. However, other data elements on MySwar have remained relatively inaccessible to users. Among…

  • MySwar Updates

    We’ve been busy making MySwar better these past few months and although we’re far from done, it’s a good time to review two of these updates: A few months ago, we started entering information for Hindi films released between 1931 and 1940. In a first pass, we entered the most important films released in this decade – films like…

  • Change in MySwar domain

    Earlier this week, some of us observed that was inaccessible. We had recently moved to a new hosting provider and our first thought was that it was an issue at their end. Further investigation, however, revealed that we were most likely the target of a court order that had ISPs blocking our website. The…

  • MySwar Mobile Web Version Now Available

    Over the last few weeks, we rolled out mobile web updates to the MySwar website. When you access from a mobile device, you’ll see an easy-to-navigate, mobile-friendly version. Almost every feature available available on the desktop website is available in the mobile web version. While the UI is different, the flow is very similar to the flow…

  • MySwar App Now Available In Hindi

    Updated on Mar 12, 2015: The MySwar Android app is also available in Hindi now. A little more than a year ago, we had announced the availability of content on MySwar in Hindi in addition to English. We finally got to roll out an update that makes Hindi content available on the MySwar iOS app and the…

  • Non-Film Albums Now Available On MySwar App

    So far we had only Hindi film albums available on the MySwar app. Over the weekend, we rolled out an update that makes non-film albums also available. This means that the best works of artists like Jagjit Singh, Indian Ocean, Shubha Mudgal, Raghu Dixit, Swarathma and Vasuda Sharma are now available on our app. It also means…

  • Film Credits On MySwar

    Since MySwar launched 2011, we have steadfastly focused on crediting musicians making Hindi film music – music directors, lyricists, singers and when the information was available, arrangers, assistants, instrumentalists and so on. We believe that musician credits is a sadly overlooked aspect of music metadata in India. That is the reason you didn’t see any credits…

  • MySwar App Update On iOS – Going Free!

    We released a new version of the MySwar app on iOS yesterday. This update makes the app free and displays banner ads. There is an option to make an in-app purchase to remove the ads for a period of 1 year (Upgrade option in Settings). We realize that some of you have purchased the app only recently…