Mavrix: Music + Data

  • Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-02-20

    Akon to audition Indian artistes with hit-predicting software. Why do we need musicians? Let the software create hits. # Pandit Bhimsen Joshi's obituary in New York Times # The music behind Gandu, the movie. # Music library. An interesting concept. # Now Indian Ocean announces a song for ICC Cricket World…

  • Freaky Friday Playlist Feb-18-2011

    Weekly feature of songs we are listening to – randomly.

  • Startups and Serendipity

    The startup landscape is replete with stories of serendipity. We got a taste of it recently. It is sweet and delicious. We have been struggling to get a Technical Architect on board for some time now. A lot of interviews. Many no-shows. I was beginning to get worried. (A friend/advisor jokingly reassured me – “You…

  • Objective Fans – An Oxymoron

    In the last couple of days, our blog got a nice spike in traffic. A quick peek at Google Analytics showed that most of the new hits were for a recent post regarding A.R. Rahman. Almost all the hits for this post came from a Yahoo Group and good ol’ Google helped me figure out…

  • Meet The New Mavericks

    Over the last few days, three Content Analysts – Gururaj, Rakshith and Fidel – joined us. Suddenly, there is a special buzz at work that comes with a new team coming together. We love it! Check our our team page to find out more about our new team members. Despite our small number of followers,…

  • Freaky Friday Playlist Feb-11-2011

    Weekly feature of songs we are listening to – randomly.

  • Google Docs Follow-up – We Are Sticking With It

    A few days before our Content Analysts started joining, we revisited our Google Docs decision (finally!) and agreed that it made sense to continue with it. Here was our rationale: It’s free. (Yeah, I can’t emphasize that enough.) The alternative is expensive. In the few weeks that we used Google Docs, we felt that it…

  • People – Please Get Off A.R. Rahman’s Back

    For some reason, a Facebook status update from me about 127 Hours elicited some negative comments against A.R. Rahman. This is not the first time I have heard such comments. I am intrigued by generalizations that A.R. Rahman is overrated. Why would people say something like that despite the brilliant work he has produced over…

  • 2012 Grammy’s Jury Has Bappi Lahiri?!

    Yes according to this news report. If this is indeed true, this is the first time an Indian composer is being given this place. He had sent his album ‘World, Peace and Harmony’ with popular saxophone player Gerald Albright, for the Grammys this year. The album made through to top 50, but didn’t get selected…

  • Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-02-06

    Foreigner + Niladri Kumar = Cold As Ice + Hot As Spice. Should be an interesting collaboration. # Nice profile of Kannada music director Mano Murthy on TOI. # Music knows no boundaries is not a cliche for George Mathew. # Bappu Lahiri on Grammy panel?! What?! How?! Why?! # Free!…

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