Tag: lifestyle design

  • Film Credits On MySwar

    Since MySwar launched 2011, we have steadfastly focused on crediting musicians making Hindi film music – music directors, lyricists, singers and when the information was available, arrangers, assistants, instrumentalists and so on. We believe that musician credits is a sadly overlooked aspect of music metadata in India. That is the reason you didn’t see any credits…

  • Why we focus on money as a reason to work

    To fulfill our material aspirations To secure our future and our children’s future We do not find anything else in our job to motivate us We are too tired or too complacent to find out ways to make our work exciting and meaningful We are too afraid to quit and find work that offers more…

  • What does it mean to be an entrepreneur?

    I saw The Social Network recently. It’s sharp, smart, funny and very entertaining. One fascinating scene in the movie got me thinking about what it means to be an entrepreneur. The scene involves Sean Parker, who is like the sidekick in this movie but could easily be the hero in another movie. Sean Parker is…

  • 6 questions for NRIs considering returning to India – The Decision

    [Part 3 of a 3 part post. Part 1 is here. Part 2 is here.] It’s not as if you call a family meeting and start discussing if returning to India is right for you. These questions need to be part of ongoing conversations in your family, regardless of how far out the eventual decision…

  • 6 questions for NRIs considering returning to India – The Questions

    [Part 2 of a 3 part post. Part 1 is here.] While the choice of returning to India or staying is personal and depends on each family’s unique circumstances, the answers to the following questions lead us to a decision we can live with. How important are your Indian roots to you? How important is…

  • 6 questions for NRIs considering returning to India – The Dilemma

    [This is first part of a 3-part post – The Dilemma, The Questions, The Decision.] It is a well-known fact that all Indians in the US consider moving back to India at one point of time or the other. We discuss and debate about it, all the while putting off the final decision. The reason…

  • The Big Leap

    Till December 2009, I had a nice job in a big company. I had a beautiful home in a quiet Chicago suburb, two cars and was living the American dream. And one fine day I lost my head – I quit my job, sold my house, returned to India and bootstrapped a startup. Or so…