Tag: music
The Fascination For High-Pitched Vocals
There is an awesome thread in RMIM in which a few people have asserted that music directors did a disservice to Lata and music lovers by making her sing at a pitch higher than what was necessary or pleasing. Just because she could. One guy actually edited a song and tweaked it to a pitch…
Freaky Friday Playlist Feb-25-2011
Weekly feature of songs we are listening to – randomly.
Solar Punch – NY based Eco-Rock Band Live in Bangalore
I’m writing this post about the band Solar Punch just because I loved their attempt of rendering Yun Hi Chala from Swades. Solar Punch is a solar-powered band that uses music to educate people about the environment and climate change. Their sound system is powered by a small PV array mounted atop band mate Alan…
Bollywood Musicians Bare Claws
Is there something off in the Bollywood music industry? Consider this: Shaan on Twitter about Rahat getting off easy – Rahatbhai found rahat pretty easily with DRI and FERA. A Fine and he’s fine to carry on. Wonder if we were in Another Country in similar situation, would it be as easy ??!! My take:…
Freaky Friday Playlist Feb-18-2011
Weekly feature of songs we are listening to – randomly.
Objective Fans – An Oxymoron
In the last couple of days, our blog got a nice spike in traffic. A quick peek at Google Analytics showed that most of the new hits were for a recent post regarding A.R. Rahman. Almost all the hits for this post came from a Yahoo Group and good ol’ Google helped me figure out…
Freaky Friday Playlist Feb-11-2011
Weekly feature of songs we are listening to – randomly.
People – Please Get Off A.R. Rahman’s Back
For some reason, a Facebook status update from me about 127 Hours elicited some negative comments against A.R. Rahman. This is not the first time I have heard such comments. I am intrigued by generalizations that A.R. Rahman is overrated. Why would people say something like that despite the brilliant work he has produced over…
Freaky Friday Playlist Feb-03-2011
Weekly feature of songs we are listening to – randomly.
Bollywood Melodies – Book Review
Passion and enthusiasm are uplifting and contagious traits. And it is the warmth of these qualities that you bask in as you read Bollywood Melodies by Ganesh Anantharaman. In the introduction to the book, the author confesses that he set out to write a book about the Bollywood music he truly loved – the music…