Tag: music

  • Freaky Friday Playlist Jan-28-2011

    Weekly feature of songs we are listening to – randomly.

  • Rare Songs Should Remain Rare?!

    Of late, I have been following a Google group called rec.music.indian.misc (popularly referred to as RMIM). Although the platform is dated, it is a very good forum for Indian (specially Hindi film) music lovers. I think it should move to Facebook, but that’s not the reason I write this post. The reason for this post…

  • The Making Of A Fan

    We like a song because of the feelings it creates in us. But does one song alone endear us to the artist? It may, but in rare cases. What if the artist creates many amazing songs over a few years – would we become fans? Possible, but not necessarily. After analyzing my own “fanhood”, I…

  • Freaky Friday Playlist Jan-21-2011

    Weekly feature of songs we are listening to – randomly.

  • Coke Studio In India?! Fingers Crossed

    Anyone who has seen the delectable live show program from across the border will understand why I am so excited about the news that Coke Studio may come to India! Like most Indians, I have many misgivings about Pakistan and it’s attitude towards India but I can’t help admiring, even envying, their music scene. What…

  • Raghu Dixit’s Folk-Bhaavageethe-Rock Fusion

    The recent trend of stylising Bhaavageethe with contemporary music is becoming very popular. A great and effective contributor to this style is none other than Raghu Dixit, who has significantly recreated most of the Sant Shishunal Sharif’s songs. This new genre is well-received and asking- for-more kind of stuff. Bhaavageethe – ‘Songs with Emotion’ (Bhaava…

  • Genre Classifications – Result of Innovation or Exercise In Waste?

    Wikipedia lists 259 electronic music genres 212 rock music genres 67 hip hop music genres 29 blues music genres 26 pop music genres How did this happen? Did experimentation and innovation result in so many different musical styles? Is it due to the bands’ quest to package and market themselves as “different” from others? Are…

  • How Musical Are You?

    BBC Lab UK has come up with a fascinating test of people’s musicality. It involves a series of questions about people’s interest and skills in music and takes about half an hour to answer. The most interesting part of the test is four sets of questions that involve clips of music: Group the Music –…

  • Freaky Friday Playlist Jan-14-2011

    Weekly feature of songs we are listening to – randomly.

  • Auto-tune For The Common Man

    It all started with Cher’s hit song, Believe. Actually, it started before, but the producers of Believe overdid it (deliberately) and made people sit up and go “What the heck was that?”. I am talking about auto-tune, of course. The instrument that magically polishes off vocal blemishes and even adds embellishments that are not humanly…