Tag: review

  • 2016 Bollywood Music Review and Top 20 Songs

    As in the past, critics were not happy with the state of Hindi film music in 2016. The charge – yet again – was that it Hindi films were using an “assembly line” approach to create songs using multiple composers and re-packaging hit songs from the past. One thing is certain – music is no…

  • The Top 100 Hindi Film Songs Of 2015

    As 2015 draws to a close, it is time to revisit the best songs of the year. This is the first draft of the year’s top 100 songs based on rankings on MySwar. We will finalize the rankings in a few weeks. This list excludes singles released recently for which the album will likely not…

  • Thoughts On Amit Trivedi’s “Bombay Velvet”

    This is not a review of Amit Trivedi’s Bombay Velvet. I loved the album to bits and wanted to share a few things that stood out for me as I was listening to it: It struck me as a rare album in that it is so thematically consistent. We hear Neeti Mohan’s voice in six…

  • Best Of Bollywood 2014 – Call For Your Rating

    As 2014 draws to an end, we are getting into the list season. The Best Of Bollywood lists we drew up for 2012 and 2013 are immensely popular and understandably so. Many of us don’t have as much time as we would like to immerse ourselves in music and a crowd-sourced “best of” list is…

  • 2013 Bollywood Music Review

    Another eventful year had come to an end and it’s time to take stock of year that was for Hindi film music. We did a similar review last year, if you’re interested. 2013 saw the release of 154 films with 999 songs between them. We lost a number of artists in 2013. Some were young…

  • Why Lootera Is A Better Music Album Than Raanjhanaa

    Before I delve into the post, let me state two things: I’d rather not make comparisons but I saw the albums being compared on social media and was disappointed at how dismissive some people were about Lootera – as if it did not even deserve to be compared with Raanjhanaa! I thought it was important…

  • Pancham Unmixed – DVD Review

    Pancham Unmixed is a homage to R.D. Burman by film-maker, Brahmanand Singh, the key word being “homage”. It is not a documentary or biography but an unabashed tribute offered by the filmmaker to his hero. The 2-hour film is a compilation of interviews with people who knew and/or worked with Pancham and also with a…

  • Partners In Crime – Documentary Review

    After my posts – Piracy is Mainstream and Why People Don’t Talk About Pirate Consumers – one of the readers of the blog recommended that I watch a documentary called Partners in Crime. I had heard about this documentary on Twitter but never got around to seeing it. I finally saw it last week and I…

  • The Formula To Rate Music – Some Examples

    Here’s a response I got for my post on the music rating formula: @mavrixin you’ve to Justify your formula with a few samples! — Pavan Jha (@p1j) December 22, 2011 I agree that I should have probably included some examples but the post was already quite long and I was feeling lazy! So let me…

  • The Formula To Rate Music

    I have rated a number of songs on this blog over the last year or so through the Freaky Friday Playlist. I started off using a “gut-feel” approach and found myself disagreeing with my own ratings after I published posts! This gut-feel approach started seeming random and I came up with a formula for my…