Tag: streaming

  • Digital Music Landscape III: Consumption

    [This is the concluding part of a three-part post on the Digital Music Landscape. You can read the first post and the second post to get up to speed] Let’s look at the services that exist in the West against the services for Indian music in an attempt to look at how music recommendations serve…

  • Why Won’t Apple’s iCloud Stream Music?

    Since Apple’s big iCloud announcement a couple of days ago, the internet has been abuzz with people expressing disappointment at the iCloud not going far enough when it came to music (like here, and here). What did Apple miss? Streaming. Broadly, there seem to be two camps of people when it comes to music listening…

  • Apple’s iCloud Is Transformational

    What is iCloud? iCloud is Apple’s service that allows consumers to shift their storage hub from local hard-drives to the internet. iCloud takes care of syncing a variety of content and information (contacts, mails, calendars, music, photos, videos, documents, etc.) across multiple devices. The following apps are available on iCloud: Contacts, Calendar, Mail are available…

  • Mavrix Monthly Update May-2011

    We finished cataloguing information for 2 decades of Bollywood songs, from current day to 1991. Good news – We were making good progress! Bad news – We have to started listening to the songs from 1980s – probably the worst ever to come out of Bollywood. Please excuse our team members if they’re posting weird…

  • 3G Cost In India Will Burst Music Cloud Bubble

    Even though Google and Amazon have not yet released their cloud music service in India, the excitement around it is palpable in cities where 3G has been rolled out. One of our team members, Rakshith, can’t wait for Google Music to come to India because he wants access to music anywhere, anytime. To quote him…

  • Why Music On The Cloud Does Not Make Sense

    In a previous post, I talked about why streaming music would never be the same as owning a physical copy of it. Since then, Amazon has launched it’s Cloud Player which takes perfectly good physical copies that you can listen to directly and let’s you stream it over the cloud. While I understand people streaming…