Mavrix Monthly Update February-2011

  • We are a team. Three Content Analysts – Gururaj, Rakshith and Fidel – joined us in February. Santosh and I are glad we have others to talk to in the office! In three short weeks it feels like we have moved through the first three stages of Group Development – Forming, Storming and Norming and moved on to the final stage of Performing. Wishful thinking? Probably. Exciting? Heck, yes!
  • Technical Architect on board. In our last update, I had mentioned about offering the Technical Architect role to an individual. He has since accepted our offer. And to think that we just stumbled onto him! Serendipity is good!
  • We have a logo. We got our logo done by an internet-based logo design company. It’s not Mercedes-Benz but we like it. The best part of the design process – I got exposed to 37signal’s Basecamp. Although we ended up using it as an email system, I liked the simplicity of the project management tool. Sometimes (perhaps most of the times), less is more.
  • We have an HR system. We started using an HR system developed by a company called Semnox started by a bunch of friends. I approached my friends to get some ideas on HR management and salary processing and they ended up giving me an entire system. It is an awesome system and it works like a charm for us! I won’t be surprised if it is rolled out as a full-fledged product some day.