Links For Buying Stuff (Mainly Music)

You may have noticed links leading to iTunes and Flipkart from our website. A few things about these links:

  • They are affiliate links. If you click through these links and buy something, we get a small commission.
  • There are up to 4 links for each item (if we can find them) – one for each country – US, UK, Canada and India. The iTunes links are for people based in US, UK and Canada. The Flipkart links are for people based in India.
  • The iTunes links point to track downloads. Flipkart links point to CDs.

While these links can be found in various posts, we’re consistently adding them in our weekly Freaky Friday Playlist feature.

If you do follow through these links and make purchases – a) Thanks!, b) Please let us know ([email protected]) if you encounter any issues while doing so.





One response to “Links For Buying Stuff (Mainly Music)”

  1. […] Mavrix customers! We started experimenting with affiliate links. Our first customers – a friend in Walnut Creek, US; and a cousin in Ottawa, Canada! Share this: […]