Tag: humor

  • Signs That You Are A Music Geek

    At parties, you announce each song, the artists, the back-story and your opinion about the song. And that’s not it. You do it about 1.5 seconds into the song. When you come across a particularly obscure song, you ask the people around you to identify it, and shine your light of your brilliance after they…

  • Bollywood Musicians Bare Claws

    Is there something off in the Bollywood music industry? Consider this: Shaan on Twitter about Rahat getting off easy – Rahatbhai found rahat pretty easily with DRI and FERA. A Fine and he’s fine to carry on. Wonder if we were in Another Country in similar situation, would it be as easy ??!! My take:…

  • Mallus and booze

    True story. A group of friends are making plans to go out bar hopping. Someone asks the new guy in the group if he drinks. Pat comes the reply “What question are you asking, da? I am a Mallu!”. The Mallus’ fondness for hooch is well-known. At dusk, after a hard days work, hordes of…