Tag: live music

  • Coke Studio at MTV – Songs For Sale and Minicert Review

    If you hadn’t already heard, the songs from the Coke Studio India are up for sale. iTunes US     iTunes UK     iTune Canada     Flipkart If you want to check out reviews before buying, your best bet is probably Music Aloud. After my (ahem, hugely popular) post supporting by Coke Studio,…

  • Coke Studio India Must Be Cheered

    Coke Studio debuted in India last Friday. Armchair critics did detailed analyses proving conclusively that the first episode sucked. “Loud and empty” said one post. Another post said it “veered dangerously close to cacophony at times.”.  There were some voices that attempted to tone down things a bit including this post, this tweet and this…

  • Of A.R. Rahman Concerts And Concert Venues

    I attended my third A.R. Rahman concert yesterday at the Palace Grounds in Bangalore. Two things were very different this time – two things that made this show the most unremarkable of the three. The Concert My best Rahman concert was back in the winter of 2004-2005 in Cow Palace, Oakland. The warm and fuzzy…

  • Bangalore’s Live Music Scene Making A Comeback

    Bengaluru will not let go of the Rock Capital tag easily! Despite all that transpired in the city potentially spelling doom for music lovers, it appears that there is enough and more support going around. Here ‘s a link to a blogpost  belonging to a local rising artist, Fidel Dsouza, who he talks about the new…

  • Solar Punch – NY based Eco-Rock Band Live in Bangalore

    I’m writing this post about the band Solar Punch just because I loved their attempt of rendering Yun Hi Chala from Swades. Solar Punch is a solar-powered band that uses music to educate people about the environment and climate change. Their sound system is powered by a small PV array mounted atop band mate Alan…

  • Coke Studio In India?! Fingers Crossed

    Anyone who has seen the delectable live show program from across the border will understand why I am so excited about the news that Coke Studio may come to India! Like most Indians, I have many misgivings about Pakistan and it’s attitude towards India but I can’t help admiring, even envying, their music scene. What…