Tag: Mavrix update

  • Mavrix Monthly Update February 2012

    Listing for the 60s went live on MySwar in Feb. You can find them here.   New features.Other than some bug fixes and a few UI/UX related changes, we added these features this month: Categorized search suggestions – As you type in the Search box, we provide suggestions categorized as Albums, Songs and Artists to make…

  • 60s Hindi Film Music – Newly Added On MySwar

    The first page I went to after the 60s upload was through? Phoolon Ke Rang Se – one of my all-time favorites and the first song on the first cassette I ever owned! Check out your favourite albums from that decade. Would it be Guide, Kashmir Ki Kali or Aradhana? Or your favorite song –…

  • Mavrix Monthly Update January 2012

    MySwar.in opens up to public. We started the new year with a bang by opening up the MySwar beta for public on Jan 10. Thanks to all those who have used the website! Many of you have given us valuable feedback and we will be addressing them in future releases. Meanwhile, if you like what we…

  • MySwar.Com Beta Open To Public

    MySwar is now available to everyone. This is just the beginning. We have plans to implement many improvements over the next few months. We got many ideas and suggestions came from our alpha/beta testers and we’re thankful to them. Please give it a spin and let us know what you think.

  • Mavrix Monthly Update December-2011

    MySwar.in opens up for closed beta. We are grateful to the beta testers for the feedback. Most of it was around bugs that needed fixing and features that they felt would be useful. We know we have a lot more work to do. Prepping for open beta. While the closed beta was useful and gave…

  • MySwar.Com Beta Invites Sent

    So we finally got to the gut-wrenching, fearsome moment of releasing MySwar.in to Beta testers (please register on MySwar.Com if you want invites). We had a few Alpha testers (friends and family) check out the website over the last few weeks and got some good, solid feedback from them. I was happy that we anticipated…

  • MySwar.Com Alpha Invites Sent

    After days of testing and a lot of hard work from many people, we  finally got MySwar to the point of an Alpha launch. The application is still a little buggy and it doesn’t have a few features we want to go public with, but it’s still a pretty good view of what the final…

  • Mavrix Blog – The Most Popular Posts and Our Favourites

    We completed of one year of our blog on November 3 and I thought this would be a good time to do the customary round-up of our most popular posts and the posts that we, at Mavrix, like the most. Here goes: Most Popular Coke Studio India Must Be Cheered People – Please Get Off…

  • Mavrix Blog – Completed 1 Year, 200 Posts

    The first post on our blog was published last Diwali, on November 3, 2010. Today we complete 1 year of the Mavrix blog and we are extremely kicked that we have published 200 posts as of today. That’s one post every other day for 1 year! We stepped up our posting frequency in the last…

  • Mavrix Monthly Update October-2011

    Announced beta launch. We announced the beta launch of MySwar a few days ago. Here is a synopsis of some early responses. Winding up. We spent the entire month reviewing, and in some cases re-reviewing, the content we have put together. By the time we are through, we would have reviewed the analysis of more…