Amit Trivedi – Take A Bow

Amit Trivedi is the best thing that has happened to Indian film music in recent times. For music lovers, who have been disillusioned by the sameness that pervades Bollywood, he is not just a breath of fresh air, he is a gale of change. I love the fact that he keeps churning out solid rock numbers but what I love even more is that you cannot typecast him. Every song of his springs a surprise and I find myself listening to his albums end-to-end – something I have not done in a while.

I discovered his stellar work in Aamir after I was blown away by Dev D’s music (and for those who equate Dev D with Emosanal Attyachaar, please try Nayan Tarse). I applauded him when he won the 2010 National Award for Dev D. I was in awe of him when his Iktara in Wake Up Sid totally usurped the other songs in the movie by veterans Shakar-Ehsaan-Loy. And just a few days ago, while riding a taxi in Delhi, I heard a song called “Dilli” (Noone Killed Jessica) on the FM. The song shook me up. It made me want to do something physical – jump, head-bang, air-guitar. Alas! With my 2-year-old sleeping on my lap and everybody else (except the driver!) snoozing, that was not to be. It is an out-and-out rock song but the melody is so cool that I hope even those who don’t follow rock will enjoy it.

The only thing that bothers me is that “Dilli” will raise expectations so high, that everything else he follows up with might end up getting compared to it. I wish Amit Trivedi success and I hope he gets a lot of offers. I also hope that he does not pick every offer, so he can continue to be as creative and fresh as he has been so far.

Amit Trivedi – Take a Bow. You da man!