Tag Archives: interview

Startup Interview Tips

I had a very disappointing Saturday. I had four interviews scheduled and only one of the candidates showed up. When I asked the HR firm I was using, they said that it happens a lot because techies get “hundreds of offers”. I get the demand-supply dynamic but not turning up for a scheduled interview is just plain unprofessional. Also, remember the high-handedness of your employer when the job scene was bad? Do to others, as you want them do to you.

In order to streamline the interview process a little bit, I thought I would offer some tips to the folks who are looking at this website before interviewing with us:

  1. Explore the website a little. It’s not just about preparation; it’s also about trying to figure out if this job is right for you. If absolutely nothing interests you, this job may not be for you.
  2. If you schedule an interview, please show up. Not just to avoid ticking me off (very important!) but because small actions like this help your development as a professional.
  3. Be on time. Actually, you have a better chance of being on time if you aim to be early than if you aim to be on time. It’s better to be early and wait for your interview slot, than be late. If you are going to be late, please call ahead and give me a heads up.
  4. Show some interest in the job during the interview. Better still, show me what you are passionate about – technology, entrepreneurship, startups, music, problem solving…. We are not a big XO (X=IT, BP, etc., O=outsourcing) company with campus, gyms, cafeteria, etc to help you get through work you do not enjoy. If your passion and the job are not aligned, the interview would be a great time for both of us to discover it.
  5. Be curious. Ask me what the heck I am doing. If you are not curious, I can only draw unflattering conclusions about you. On the other hand, you will score big if you ask me the right questions.

Whether you interview with us or not, I hope you find these tips handy.