Mavrix: Music + Data
Coke Studio India Must Be Cheered
Coke Studio debuted in India last Friday. Armchair critics did detailed analyses proving conclusively that the first episode sucked. “Loud and empty” said one post. Another post said it “veered dangerously close to cacophony at times.”. There were some voices that attempted to tone down things a bit including this post, this tweet and this…
Popular Is Not Always Good
Stung by poor reviews of “Ready”, and outraged Salman Khan asked – “Are my fans stupid?”. My answer – Not all of them, but the truth is that there is no correlation between people’s intellect and their taste. As the saying goes, “There is no accounting for taste”. I haven’t seen “Ready” but a number of…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-06-19
Insanely cool! # Sona Mohapatra's "Abhi Nahin Aana" – a visual and aural treat. # Nindiya Re HD, Kaavish, Coke Studio, Season 4 # New post: Some people may be wondering but we're pretty sure that iCloud will come to India. # Coke Studio on MTV at 7 PM!! # Freaky…
Freaky Friday Playlist Jun-17-2011
Weekly feature of songs we are listening to – randomly.
iCloud in India
Our website got a bunch of Google hits with various permutations of the “iCloud India” keywords. I guess that means that a lot of us are wondering if iCloud will come to India. Will it? I think yes, and here’s why. Apple says so! Apple’s US website is very well coordinated with product releases. The…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-06-12
With Apple's iCloud launch, music startups need to figure out their role in the fast changing digital music space. # New post # New post: Apple's iCloud Is Transformational # Keep a box of Kleenex handy and watch…. # New post: Why iCloud won't stream music # Have you…
Freaky Friday Playlist Jun-10-2011
Weekly feature of songs we are listening to – randomly.
Why Won’t Apple’s iCloud Stream Music?
Since Apple’s big iCloud announcement a couple of days ago, the internet has been abuzz with people expressing disappointment at the iCloud not going far enough when it came to music (like here, and here). What did Apple miss? Streaming. Broadly, there seem to be two camps of people when it comes to music listening…
Apple’s iCloud Is Transformational
What is iCloud? iCloud is Apple’s service that allows consumers to shift their storage hub from local hard-drives to the internet. iCloud takes care of syncing a variety of content and information (contacts, mails, calendars, music, photos, videos, documents, etc.) across multiple devices. The following apps are available on iCloud: Contacts, Calendar, Mail are available…
Mavrix Monthly Update May-2011
We finished cataloguing information for 2 decades of Bollywood songs, from current day to 1991. Good news – We were making good progress! Bad news – We have to started listening to the songs from 1980s – probably the worst ever to come out of Bollywood. Please excuse our team members if they’re posting weird…
Are you a Hindi film music nerd?