Tag: Mavrix update
Digital Music Landscape III: Consumption
[This is the concluding part of a three-part post on the Digital Music Landscape. You can read the first post and the second post to get up to speed] Let’s look at the services that exist in the West against the services for Indian music in an attempt to look at how music recommendations serve…
MySwar Beta Announcement – Reactions And How We Are Responding
I announced the MySwar beta a few days ago on this blog, on our Twitter account, our Facebook page, directly to a few people who I view as early adopters and music geeks and also a forum called RMIM. All of us at Mavrix also shared the announcement with friends and family. While I haven’t…
Coming Soon! The Complete Guide To Hindi Film Music.
We’re launching! We’re launching! We’re launching! Soon that is. The beta will launch in a few weeks and the public launch will happen soon after. We’re calling it MySwar.in because in the end, it’s about your taste in music. The Coming Soon page is up so you can sign-up right away and be one of…
Mavrix Monthly Update September-2011
Beta launch. You should see our ‘Coming Soon’ page come up in the next few days. When it does come up, please do sign-up to stay informed about the beta launch. If all goes well (fingers crossed!), the beta will be launched in the late October – early November timeframe. Completed UI development. The UI components are…
Mavrix Monthly Update August-2011
New team member. Jyothirmayi RK joined us yesterday as Content Writer. As we mentioned in the last post, the content writing firm we had engaged for developing artist bios wasn’t delivering to our expectations. We finally decided to reduce our dependence on them. Analyzing the 70s . Compared to the 00s, 90s and 80s, Bollywood…
Mavrix Monthly Update July-2011
A month of revisit. One thing about starting a new venture is that you figure things out on the go. Early on we made some decisions about the attributes we would catalog against each song. After spending a few months of analyzing Bollywood music, we got pretty good at our job. We also realized that…
Links For Buying Stuff (Mainly Music)
You may have noticed links leading to iTunes and Flipkart from our website. A few things about these links: They are affiliate links. If you click through these links and buy something, we get a small commission. There are up to 4 links for each item (if we can find them) – one for each…
Mavrix Monthly Update June-2011
Mavrix Monthly Update – What we were up to last month.
Mavrix Monthly Update May-2011
We finished cataloguing information for 2 decades of Bollywood songs, from current day to 1991. Good news – We were making good progress! Bad news – We have to started listening to the songs from 1980s – probably the worst ever to come out of Bollywood. Please excuse our team members if they’re posting weird…
Mavrix Monthly Update April-2011
Mavrix update for April, 2011